Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Get Rid of Stuffit

Get Rid of Stuffit

If there’s any one application that I install on each of my Macintosh computers, it’s Stuffit. Stuffit if you don’t already know is an application that works with compressed and archive files. These are .ZIP, .RAR, .TAR, .SITX and .HQX file types (there are 25 in total that it currently supports). Of course each time I need to install I have to fill out Stuffits download request form, and then wait for them to email me a download link to the software. It gets to be kind of annoying, although it’s partly my fault since I usually forget to make a copy of the software or I forget where I put a copy.

I just recently downloaded a file that used the 7z format. Unfortunately Stuffit didn’t work with this file format so I was on the lookout for an application that would work with this file. After doing a quick Google search I came across a very simple application called ‘The Unarchiver’! This program is about 1.4MBs whereas Stuffit
is about 14MBs. Obviously The Unarchiver only un-archives things so that’s probably why it’s much smaller. Of course that’s all I really need it to do anyways, I don’t really need the extras in Stuffit. It opens all the file types I need it to open and I don’t have fill out some form to download it!

I think I’ve just seen the last of Stuffit, and I gladly am welcoming in The Unarchiver!

You can download a free copy of The Unarchiver here:

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