Monday, November 27, 2006

A few great Podcasts for Mac folks

iTunes > Music Store >Podcasts

Look for the following:

Ask the Techies
by D. Lee Beard
Each week we put up new podcasts explaining the latest in cool technology from Photoshop to iPods. We specialize in multimedia and although we use Macs mostly, we do deal with windows PC issues as well.

MacCast (enhanced) For Mac Geeks, by Mac Geeks
by Adam Christianson
The enhanced AAC edition of the show for Mac Geeks by Mac Geeks. We cover everything Macintosh. Keep up to date on the latest Mac news, topics and rumors. Throw in a good dose of helpful tips and listener questions and feedback and you have MacCast. Enjoy!

ScreenCastOnline: Free Mac Video Tutorials
Video Tutorials for Mac, PC and iPod
A free video podcast which publishes weekly video tutorials demonstrating how to get the most from your Mac and the Internet.

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