Friday, October 13, 2006

Easy Maintenance - Clear that Desktop!

Easy Maintenance - Clear that Desktop!

Did you know that having many folders, images, old installers, and
other files on your OS X desktop can cramp your Mac’s performance,
including start-up time? This is because Desktop images are treated
like dynamic windows, rather than static images.

Ideally, the OS X Desktop should only be used for temporary, short
term storage. It’s best to keep all your files stored in their proper
locations, as much a possible – documents in the Documents folder,
photos and images in iPhoto or the Pictures folder, etc.

You can keep a junk folder in your Home Directory, or Documents
folder, where you simply stash everything. You can drag that junk
folder into your Dock, where it is always easily accessible.

There are a number of freeware and shareware apps to help you keep a
clean desktop – Tinker Tools ( and sterCleanDesk ( are examples.

Now, go clean your room!

Posted by Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

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